Mthatha Bucks get boost from African Bank partnership

African Bank has once again come on board to partner with the Mthatha Bucks Football Club to sponsor the team’s kit, supporters clothing items, man of the match hampers and more. “We have a close connection with the club, it’s supporters and the community so the partnership is a mutually beneficial one,” says Kaibe Mollo, head of marketing at African Bank

African Bank has been in partnership with the club since last season but this year has stepped up in a more official way. Mollo says supporters will have the opportunity to meet with African Bank representatives at the 15 home games throughout the season. “We will have a stall set-up at each of the games so those who attend the game can come and speak to us about what we are and what we do. We will gladly answer any questions and supporters can even take up any African Bank product on the spot,” he explains.

Mollo wishes the team all the best as the season progresses.